Tuesday, October 19, 2010

"See that Mary Tighe"

I try to give Archer positive attention whenever I can.  I have read over and over again how important it is to 'catch them being good' so that the older sibling won't feel he has to resort to doing things that are not allowed or will get him in trouble in order to be noticed.  When Archer takes a bath, washes his hands, makes a block tower, climbs up stairs - the most mundane events I say, "See that Mary Tighe, Archer can _________ (whatever it is that he is doing)."  I think it makes Archer feel proud of himself - he can show Mary Tighe what he can do.

Now Archer says it all the time on his own.  David and I think it is so cute.  "See that Mary Tighe!"- he puts on his shoes. "See that Mary Tighe"- he rides his tricycle.  "See that Mary Tighe" - he is watching Little Einsteins.

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