Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Water Color Painting

Since Mary Tighe has been born, I have been feeling less adventurous when it comes to going places with 2 children.  I think the biggest outing we have taken with the 3 of us (minus David) is to the Post Office Museum.  That museum may sound boring, but it has a really big truck cab that must be an actual post office trailer truck cab.  Archer can climb up into and pretend to drive.  There are never any people there so he doesn't have to worry about other children wanting a turn.  I can sit in the seat next to him in the cab and nurse in relative private.

Most days, I try to take a walk with them somewhere like the monestary or arboretum and then maybe hit one of the 2 stores in my neighborhood - CVS or YES Organic market.  A few weeks ago we went to the CVS and got some water color paints and a blank art book.  Archer sits outside on our back porch at his little table and paints and paints and paints.  There is little color to his paints as he likes to mix all the colors and create a really dark green, red, yellow, or blue that resemble mostly a nice dark grey.  His paintings remind me of a Japanese or Chinese calligrapher using a bamboo brush to make interesting characters.  Not much color, but a lot of nice fluid strokes.  It's a great way to pass the time as I sit in the rocker and watch him and nurse.

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