Friday, June 5, 2015

Alice gets her dream dress

The title of this post sounds so dramatic doesn't it? And Alice isn't even three. Sometimes I feel like she's as old as Mary Tighe especially since lately they seem like best friends. But then she has a temper tantrum and I remember she's two until the end of December. I digress. We came home from a meeting at the dream home yesterday to find a package from sweet granny goose who is the best granny goose we could possibly imagine. In the package was Anna's 'cor'nation' dress. 

Now the play can be completed!!!! 

Mary Tighe is beside herself with excitement. Will anything ever measure up to Frozen in their future movie lives? It's doubtful to me. Alice was practicing (at Mary Tighe's demands) to the cor'nation song, but the dress is a little big and keeps slipping to her waist. Then the girls would shout, Emergency!!!, at which point I got to play the hero and hike it up. This happened about 5 times. Hearing Alice's tiny little voice singing, finally they're opening up the gate, just makes me melt. I'll hike up dresses all evening long to see and hear them preform.


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