Saturday, July 18, 2015

Family Vacation - Thursday and Friday

Thursday was our last day in Acadia and it was a pretty one, but a chilly morning full of chores and laundry. When the jobs were done we went for a teeny tiny hike before succumbing to the Mosquitos and bailing out to Sandy Beach where we played more around than in the cold cold cold water. 

After the beach trip we decided to hike the ship (wreck) harbor trail in the sunshine. 

The trip was coming to a sad end, but not before we watched our farewell movie, which was Star Wars #2 in chronological order in time. I never have been a Star Wars fan until this movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it. 

Friday morning we got up early and took David to the Portland jetport. Thence cried all the way to Squam, where I writing this now. We are having fun, but I miss my partner and exploring new places with him.  It was a great trip and I love my family. 

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