Monday, July 20, 2015

Squam Days 2,3,4

Saturday was rainy, Sunday was hot and rainy and today was perfect, but still a little hot. We went to dog cove dog cove dog cove today though! 

Yesterday, in what we thought was a break from the rain, Archer went tubing. Then it started to pour.


Hmmm....what else has been happening... Lots of paddle boarding and playing with the paddle board, walking into town with dad (who walks back totaling 6 miles) getting picked up by Hugh, Katharine and the children, lots of eating, lots of swimming (because it has been hot it has been uncharacteristicly easy for me get into the lake. Usually I'm such a dawdler), lots of talking about the weather from dad and the future plantation from Bumpson. 

Barry has gotten the children all gifts, which was such a thoughtful surprise. A bluebird hat for Dolly, a yoyo for Archer and angel dolls for Alice and Mary Tighe. Dolly has charmed them all. Even Bumpson. 

And then Mary came with the boys today!!! Yay! 

All of my children are so thrilled with their new playmates and had the best time swimming this afternoon and building sand castles and then smashing the sand castles with sticks. You can definitely tell 3 boys just entered the realm of the girls and Archer. It's wonderful! 

I still miss David. A whole lot. 

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