Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Week at Gooselodge

We went to Richmond last week and met up with Mary and the boys.  It was a lot of fun, of course.  And a little crazy with Hugh and Will and Archer and Jack and Mary Tighe and Alice running up and down the stairs to the playroom and across the runway that is from the living room to the kitchen.  I know everyone loved the noise :)

 Mom and Dad were so generous to have us for so long and they always make it really fun!  Dad took us to the club to go golfing, this even though his whole body was rejecting the plea made by us - he did it!  Mom was fabulous as always and played with the children and made all of us feel very special.  She would get us the best ice cream when she came back from the yoga studio.  My favorite was the birthday cake ice cream.

 The older children went to Lego Camp at Cats Cap.  The only evidence that they went was their name tag.  They made lego robots, but that's about all we know.  They had fun though!

In other news, we visited Granny Blah Blah, who has been feeling poorly.  It was really good to see her.  We brought her 2 books and I tried to say inappropriate things to make her laugh.  She held Dolly and that was good too.

We also went swimming at the Country Club (that was okay) and the James River (that was soooo much fun)

On Sunday, Mom also this girl, Jessica Onderwater (what a cool last name!) to take our picture.  She also told us her stories of her family's dogs.  Two of whom, sadly, had to be put down because they moved to the country and the dogs didn't like leashes.  Interesting story.   She took great pictures though!  I loved how she would joke with Archer, but I was a little concerned he was joking too much and would break her $30,000 camera.  

Here are some good pictures from Jessica. 

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