Saturday, July 18, 2015

Family Vacation - Tuesday

Tuesday we took the day by the horns if that's the expression. We drove up Cadillac Mountain and watched the clouds come in below us. It was so cool to see the children get excited about the misty clouds that poured into the windows as we made our ascent up to the tippy top of the mountain. I felt kind of sad we weren't actually hiking it, but hey I have 4 kids and Alice wasn't having any part of walking that day. Sometimes you just don't want to rock the boat. 

 Then the clouds came and you couldn't see much. 

Next we took out pb and js to Jordan pond where we hiked that even when all the naysayers were all "you know there's no sidewalk" and we were like bring on the hairy scary rocks, this is nothing. David carried Alice, who was blissfully napping for over three miles of interesting terrain, and he barely broke a sweat. The other remarkable children did just fine pretending to be mountain goats, playing with sticks and passing princess tests. 

We felt accomplished when we were done. Here are archer's shells he gathered in the tide pools and made into his initials. 

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